Monday, December 19, 2011


By Briana Baker

            If someone asked you if there has been more dramatic crimes in the Central West End than Kirkwood would you say yes? If so it is probably due to the amount of negative media coverage in certain neighborhoods rather than the way other neighborhoods are portrayed. Local TV news is shallow and leaves an inaccurate view of the community.
            Some will argue that there just isn’t enough time for the Television news to cover stories in depth, which may be true. Still this argument says nothing about the inaccurate views portrayed. Newscasters will breeze through traffic jams, local news and unemployment rates, but will spend a good portion of time telling the story of an outraged crime committed in north St. Louis. TV news’ personnel will encourage viewers to visit articles online or purchase newspapers if they want full coverage, but is this always possible? I’m pretty sure most viewers watch the news on television because it’s much more convenient. Not every home has the Internet to read stories in detail online and most prefer not to read an entire newspaper. PEW Research Center -a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world- reports that 44% of our regular viewers report to Fox for the latest news. This means that 44% of our community could be just as ignorant of factual statistics as some of you who answered yes to the question above and are left with inadequate views of neighborhoods.
            Everyone has heard that violence and crime is entertaining and that’s what viewers want to see, but is the news supposed to be informational or entertaining? If someone is looking for a good laugh or drama then they should turn their channel to Comedy Central or Lifetime. The News should be less focused on entertaining the community and more focused on providing them with more accurate and adequate information.
            Fox 2 has a portion of their time dedicated to “You Paid For It: Colorful Confrontations”. During this time Elliot Davis gives a preview of both Black and White people who have had confrontations with him while in an interview. You will see people of both races swearing, fighting or stating absurd, off-subject comments while being filmed. If viewers wanted to find entertainment in the news, this is where it should be. Not when anchors or broadcast editors want to portray Blacks as the most violent, uneducated race or St. Louis city as the most unsafe neighborhoods.
            Local TV News should dedicate each story with the same amount of time and be sure to cover both sides to stay as objective and informative as possible. You cannot argue there isn’t enough time if coverage such as Colorful Confrontations and cute little photos of pets in costumes are shown. These inaccurate views have caused people to become biased and stereotype certain neighborhoods and races. It’s helping to cause a division among the community based solely from false representations and shallow coverage.

Oped (Opinion Article)

November 28, 2011

By Briana Baker

            While browsing the Internet I came across the perfect definition. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defined reading literacy as understanding, using and reflecting on written texts in order to achieve one’s goals, to develop one’s knowledge and potential, and to participate in society. Keeping this in mind I oppose reading urban fiction.
            As a young, black, educated, urban female I find reading urban fiction not only self-degrading to our African-American culture but detrimental to our American society in general. With the constant use of slang, profanity and improper grammar, I don’t understand how this can help anyone develop their knowledge or potential or help to achieve any goals.
            One of the most popular urban fiction books is Sistah Souljah’s The Coldest Winter Ever. The first page of the book reads: “Brooklyn-born I don’t have no sob stories for you about rats and roaches and pissy-pew hallways. I came busting out of my momma’s big coochie on January 28 1977, during one of New York’s worst snowstorms. So my mother named me Winter. My father was so proud of his new baby girl that he had a limo waiting to pick my moms up from the hospital.”
            Now I know many will argue that urban fiction is designed to help portray what life is like in the urban community or the ghetto, but I am a big fan of” it’s not what you say but how you say it.” Could the author have just stated that although she was born in Brooklyn she didn’t have any stories of living in poverty and still get her point across? Could she just have mentioned when she was born instead of the day she came “busting out her mom’s big coochie?” Would someone ignorant of urban lingo understand that moms is slang or would they be confused thinking she had more than one mother?
            Reading comprehension determines your level of understanding from a written text. Wikipedia states this understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text. The motive behind the publication of urban literature is great but the content is self-deterring and non-educating. There is no way possible that I can take anything I’ve read in a novel written like this to become anything greater psychologically than what I inspired to be before.
            Studies have proven that reading stimulates the brain and can help a person listen faster as well as process speech faster and in more detail. On the other hand there has also been research found that reading remedial literature can hinder a person from sounding out words correctly and it takes many more hours of reading for the brain activity to reach the levels of stimulation as it would for someone reading any other type of literature.
            Although I am not aware of any evidence that supports this, I believe that reading urban fiction can have these same affects as reading remedial literature. If reading stimulates your brain and the literature you read helps you become literate and comprehensive, then I believe  improper grammar usage, repetitive slang and incorrect word choices can alter your current knowledge. Therefore, forcing you to begin pronouncing words incorrectly and slowing down your process of speech. As an educated student and literate person I find it mentally challenging to engage in such books. What will I comprehend from this?

Events Article

By Briana Baker
October 1, 2011
                The audience cheered giving them a standing ovation as dancers from Webster University took their bow after performing “Impetus” on the Washington Stage. Nearby a large crowd gathered in front of City Diner on Grand to watch dancers perform a hip hop improvisational piece. Some videotaped the performance and smiled as the three teenaged guys accompanied by two young girls entertained the streets.
 For the 5th year Grand Center, a non-profit organization, has opened its fall season with the Dancing in the Streets Festival with hopes of engaging the community in the art around them. Families and people of all ages walked Grand Ave. between Delmar and Olive as more than 700 dancers performed 75 performances on four outdoor stages.
Beckah Reed, artistic director of the dance department at Webster University, says Webster has been a part of the festival since it began five years ago. Impetus, a contemporary piece choreographed by adjunct professor Maggi Dueker, was performed by students Nola Dunn, Ashley Drumm, Abby Ellison, Hope Harl, Isaac hester, Meredith McLaughlin, Sam Mitchell, Julie Opiel, Matt Schmitz and Rain Steppic. Students who were interested had to audition for Impetus last year. Webster University Dance Dept. chose this piece after it was performed at Webster last spring.
Hanging Out, an improvisational piece also performed by Webster, gave other dancers a chance to perform at the festival.
“We chose this for the new students so that they could have new opportunities and it would be less stressful than the more contemporary piece, “Reed stated.
Paige Walden, Andrew Simes, Ashley McQueen, Brooke Wandling, Jessica Manker, Kerondreian Foster and Hannah Greigerett kept the audience smiling as they danced free will on the steps of Third Baptist Church.
Amy Shears, director at Center of Creative Arts- COCA- says they have also participated in the festival all five years and choosing the pieces to perform in the festival can be very strategic.
“The audience is more unique than the traditional theater,” Shears said. “We have to pick pieces that will engage the audience on a short notice.”
In order to perform in the festival you have to apply to Grand Center the spring before after the Request for Art is sent out in May. Travis Howser, director of events and theaters at Grand Center, asks that you submit a video of a dance recital to the company. Jay Perry, director of development at Grand Center, says the festival began as a way to promote the district (surrounding area of the Grand Center) of the falls art season.
Along with the different styles of dance performed, many stands and kiosks were set up as well. A variety of food was sold including the hot dog stand, pizza truck, Kota food fire grill, Café Pintxos and a couple wine and beer stands. Stands to purchase dance costumes for people and pets, as well as other souvenirs, were available as well.

Issues Reporting

By Briana Baker
            It’s a beautiful autumn day on the inner city street of Ridge Ave. Rap music is playing from car stereos while local men are hanging out on the front porch talking, laughing, swearing and gambling. But above all these sounds church music is blasting and the voice of an unknown white man is preaching over a loud speaker on a corner nearby.
            For Cecil Rogers and Brian Padgett who minister nightly at 7, they aren’t doing anything more than what God has called them to do. But for some local street guys, they have become an annoyance to their neighborhood.
            For nearly six weeks Padgett and Rogers have been ministering on corners in gang related neighborhoods west and north of St. Louis city.  Many street guys living in the neighborhood, who refused to give any full names, don’t approve of it all.
            “The Lord spoke to us a year ago in September or October giving us the vision,” said Padgett when asked why he decided to do street ministry in this particular neighborhood. Padgett believes the one thing St. Louis doesn’t have is hope and his passion for people will touch the lives of the gang members and drug addicts and the area.
            “I know they find it strange when they see this white guy with a backpack full of Bibles and anointed oil walking from door-to-door but I seriously believe I have a passion for people,” Padgett said.  “We know we’re doing something right when all hell breaks loose every night service is held.”
            However, some disagree and don’t think Padgett’s attempts has any spiritual affect whatsoever.
            “It’s not preaching because you don’t understand him. So it’s just noise, loud noise,” said Christepher, one of the local guys in the neighborhood. He refused to give his last name. He added, “When you’re just getting off at 9 o’clock you don’t want to hear that.”
            Although some may not have an issue with Padgett and Rodgers holding street ministry services, they do find it redundant in that it won’t change anything in the environment.
            “I think it’s good because he’s preaching to the right people but I don’t think it can change anything. People don’t believe in God,” 15-year-old boy known to the neighborhood as Lil’ Keith says.
            Tyga, another man who was raised on Ridge Ave., thinks the concept of what Padgett and Rodgers is doing is good, but that technical issues with the speakers hinder him from really getting his point across.
            “It’s good because the prostitutes and drug addicts need to know the Lord but you never understand him,” Tyga says after complaining about how you don’t have a choice but to hear them ministering a few blocks away.
            Rodgers stated that he decided to start street ministry 30 years ago after his drug abuse caused him to have a brain stroke.
            “God took me off the streets then put me right back in,” Rodgers said explaining his transformation from living in the streets to preaching in the streets.
            Rodgers has been locked up, shot at, spat on, cursed out and even threatened for his street ministry. When asked why he continues to do it he quoted a couple verses from the Holy Bible.
            “God has not given me the spirit of fear but the spirit of a sound mind.” He added, “Greater is HE that is in me than HE that is in the world.”
Padgett and Rodgers began at Kingshighway and Delmar with a cross cut and made from barks of a tree and have recently moved to the corner of Kingshighway and Page Avenue next to the Aldi Supermarket.
Rodgers does ministry full time visiting prisons, nursing homes and even some schools quite often when invited by officials. Some of his ministry is accompanied by others and has filled up three or four churches.

Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

As some of you (or probably most of you) know I'm majoring in journalism so I've decided to post some of my articles I've written for class. Each of them will consist of four sources that I've interviewed to obtain as much information as possible so they'll probably be quite lengthy. Feel free to leave comments whether they're positive or negative! I appreciate the constructive criticism.

Monday, May 16, 2011

More about Pearls and Loafers

At the top we wear our pearls, symbolized for wisdom, beauty, femininity, unblemished perfection, integrity and innocence. Then at the bottom we have our loafers which are synonymous with cool, casual fashion, sophisticated leisure and preppy. Some would argue that wearing pearls and loafers are a contradiction but that’s the beauty in essence of it all. Pearls & Loafers shows creative and diverse style that has no boundaries or guidelines. Style with elegance is what I like to refer to it as. It’s a modest way for both men and women to display their unique style of dressing. The latin word for pearl literally means "unique", which only attests to the fact that accessorizing your freshest fit with a stream of pearls is the best way to model your inimitable, incomparable style of fashion. I am more than certain that if you visit the website you will be overwhelmed with all of the different personalities and stories each outfit has to introduce or narrate. As with just about every other website that I have encouraged you to visit, this one is organized by a member of the Kick it With Us crew. Keisha has coordinated and styled two upcoming artists for their photoshoot and posted pics for you to see. If you are interested in fashion at all, Im positive you will like this site. Check it out and let me know how you feel about it

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Influential Logic

Last semester I took a philosophy class, Introductory to Logic which turned out to be very influential for me. I'm not sure if it was the class itself or just the fact that everyone kept telling me the course was too difficult and to drop the class. No matter what student I talked to about the class each one gave me the same reaction...told me to drop it asap and sign up for something different. What everyone failed to realize was that all the negativity and doubts actually influenced me to work even harder and stay in the class. I'm glad I did because I actually passed with a B in the class and a 3.7 for the semester putting me on the Dean's List!! I was so happy that the class everyone  failed I managed to succeed in. It influenced me because it inspired me and allowed me to realize that no challenge is too hard for me. As long I stay persistent and work hard, I can do anything I put my mind to. It sounds cliche but its true! This class has influenced me to work harder and always work to my best potential and ability.

Pearls and Loafers

Starting with to Bryant Stewart I've been trying to warn ya'll about this movement that's about to take place. It won't stop now! Pearls & Loafers coming soon! Stay tuned for greatness!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


If you didn't already know, I love music!! This is Beef Stew, Bryant Stewart, from the KickItWithUs crew. He's very talented and has a mixtape dropping April 21st!!! Below is a link to check out his website. It has some of his music on it and you can even sign up to be one of the first to download his music!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kick It With Us

I recently published a post giving you the top 5 reasons of why you should visit and I know everyone wants to know who and what it is. The crew consists of four guys and a girl all wanting to make a difference in the society. It's a very posittive group who just loves to kick it and show our peers that its more to Stl than clubs, violence and gangs. As a supportive friend I love to promote them because I admire what they are doing. These are our everyday average college students who doesnt mind making time a set from work or study time to be an example in the society. There are so many people who like to complain about how terrible Stl and East Stl are but how many are willing to step up and make a change. The group has been making such a positive effort that Tim Ezell from Fox 2 News will be having them as a guest on the show Friday morning at 9! I was astounded when I heard the news and it made me want to support them even more. Here are a few pics to introduce them and give you a little insight.
Left to right: Luko, Milly Day, Shaun Li
Front: Beef Stew

Be sure to check out the website at and you don't wanna miss out on their appearance with Tim Ezell on Fox 2 News Friday, April 1st at 9 a.m!!

As Seen on TV

A few years ago I was granted the opportunity to appear on a MTV show called Sex With Mom and Dad as a guest of my cousin. Sounds cool right? Wrong! The experience was interesting and behind the scenes was fun, but the episode was embarrassing! I actually had forgotten all about it until one of my friends brought it up. Every now and again I always get someone to remind me that I was on TV. I recently went to the website to watch the clip and couldnt stop myself from laughing at how ridiculous we looked. I added the link to the blog for anyone who needs a good laugh. Just promise not to tease me when you see me!

"If you don't know my days, you'll never understand my praise"

I was reading my classmate's blog and it made me think about this quote. My god father, who is also my pastor, says this all the time. Of course when he says this he's referring to religious actions but it can be reflected upon so many different situations. When I read Eric's blog, I couldn't agree more with what he said and in my opinion both of these quotes go hand in hand. People will be so quick to judge another person but you have no idea why they think, believe or act the way they do. Until you have the opportunity to walk in that person's shoes, you'll never understand their praise.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit

1. Because I said so!! But because I'm sure that won't be reasonable enough for most of you, here are five more reasons...
2. The website gives a little insight of the all the laughs, joys and entertainment and most importantly the -FOOD that kickitwithus has to offer.
3. It proves to young adults that there is more to do than run the streets or club every night.
4. Kickitwithus is a positive group of young men and women who want to make a difference in the society we live in.
5. After viewing the website I'm pretty sure you'll want to kick it with us!

Below is shortcut of the link to check out the website. Blog entry with further details coming soon!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

S.O.S Call for Help!!

Sitting in this class lab, trying to get a million and one things done and there just isnt enough time in a day for me. I don't know where the laziness or procrastination has come from this semester but I just don't have the motivation to do anything. I can't believe I let myself get this far behind in my studies for classes and don't like that I've allowed myself to either. Last semester I made the Dean's List with a 3.7 and was sooo proud, but this semester things have just been hectic for me. I should have known it would eventually come down to this working two jobs, one of which is in St. Louis, and going to school full time but I figured I would do better this year. I've had this struggle in the past which is why I decided I would only work part time but the truth is..Im addicted to money! The more I work, the more I want to work because I know that in the end the more money I will have. I'm trying to break this bad study habit I have though but I'm just lacking the effort. I bought a desk to put in my room so I can have someone to study, but evenstill with the 2 weeks it's been there I've only sat it once. Ridiculous I know but hopefully  I will get it together this week before it's too late. I think I just need a study partner!

Real Recognize Real

"The poet's job is to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in such a way that people cannot live without it; to put into words those feelings we all have that are so deep, so important, and yet so difficult to name."                                                                                           -Jane Kenyon pg 229

I chose this quote because I am a big fan of poetry. I love to read it as well as write it. It allows me to express my inner feelings. The thoughts that I have but choose not to speak on or situations in my life that have a major impact on me. I know it’s not good but I usually keep a lot of things to myself instead of speaking on them so poetry is like a stress relief in a way.  I've only allowed a few people to ever read my poems, but each time someone explains to me that just through my imagery and words they feel that they have too gone through that situation or emotion. In my opinion a good poem will paint an idealistic picture and grasp the reader's inner soul.

"That which is spoken from the heart, is heard from the heart" -Jewish saying pg 195

These both go hand in hand. When a poem is written from the heart, the reader can empathize and feel it in their heart. As some would say "real recognize real" so anyone who has a compassionate heart will always be able to relate to the poetry even if they haven't gone through that particular thing you are speaking on. Sometimes a poet may just be writing to express themselves not knowing how much of an impact it will have on others and that is what makes it so genuine and sincere.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Key to My Heart

I just downloaded this blogger app for my phone and wanted to test it out so I thought now would be the perfect time... Today is my baby's birthday. Not my biological child and actually, she really isn't a baby but my youngest sister. I know some of you may find it odd that I would refer to my sister as my child but in so many ways, at times I feel like they are mine. I've literally had to nurture, protect, clothe and groom them practically their whole life. The circumstances with their mother is horrible so Ive had to step in a lot. Its been soooo many occassions where they've had to depend on me for clothes and shoes to wear, moral support and entertainment. When I was younger I got any and everything I wanted so I try to make sure they can as well. They are my pride and joy..its what I call them. The keys to my heart, my motivation to strive harder. My lifetime goal is to one day get full custody of them. I love my babies with all of my heart in the same manner I would suppose a biological parent cares for his or her child.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love, Lust...Lechery

As it gets closer and closer to the date people all over America are making plans and arrangements. Its the one day of the year where it seems like almost all single women yearn for affection and attention; Valentine's Day. I think its the most overrated "holiday" we have because it's so miscontrued. People tend to forget that this is a day to celebrate LOVE. Whether its with your wife, husband or family member that's what this day is all about. So many people get aroused by the flowers and candy that they forget the real meaning. Whatever you did today and whoever you did today I hope it was out of love and not caused by lust or lechery. Its not about what you have but who you have. The cards, chocolates and roses are nice (for some cuz I hate flowers) but remember its the person and the love yall share that is most important. And if your valentine wasn't someone you love then what are you celebrating?? Not here to judge but just a little food for thought. Valentine's Day isnt just about the amount of gifts you obtain, its about the love you've obtained and cherish

Monday, February 14, 2011

I Am From..

I am from Gloria and Brian
from a small city with a big family
I am from hur (here), thur (there) and derrty
from Vess soda, Imos, Chinese food and Red Hot Riplets
I am from the mono, heel toe, pancake and 3.0
from "put that on something", "on my mama", "on bloods"
I am from sarcasm, sincerity, genuineness and laughter
from Hazelwood Day, Eight Deuce day and block parties
from Raymond, Old Jamestown Rd, Darla Ct, St. Louis Ave
I am from dont curse on Sunday and dont let the Bible touch the ground
from the decade of Monte Carlos, Impalas. G6's and Grand Prix
I am from Blues hockey, Cardinals baseball and Ram's football
from 3 brothers, 3 sisters and several god brothers and sisters
from the mentality to "fake it til you make it", "rise and grind" and knowing that I am my brother's keeper
I am from the Arch, Busch Stadium and the Convention Center
from a small world where everyone knows everyone
I am from St Louis

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Act Like a Lady, Drink Like a Man??

Lately I’ve had a lot of people tell me “You’re too cute to be drinking beer” or “Eww, that is so unladylike; you’re too classy for that” but my question for you is what types of foods are drinks are strictly for males or females?? Sure some may find it unattractive to see a young lady like myself throwing back a couple cold ones, but does that really make me less of a woman? I hate seeing anyone smoke cigarettes but I wouldn’t look at them and think to myself “She cant be a woman or he cant be a man if he smokes cigarettes.” So what is it that you don’t like about women drinking beer? Is it because the bottle isn’t long enough or isn’t served in a glass? Honestly, I hate the effects of white liquor and I don’t care for the taste of dark liquor so beer (Bud Light) is my better choice. I don’t even understand the need for explanation. Before and after I finish my beer I am still the same beautiful, intelligent, classy,sophisticated lady that you once saw and there is no cold beverage that can change my least not that I know of anyway. What I choose to drink is my decision and it doesn’t define me in any way. I think anyone that can judge a lady by the alcohol she consumes is just as shallow as they come.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Allow me to reintroduce myself..

...My name is Bri! Well, Briana. I go by Bri or Bri-G but ONLY by my closest friends and family. Telling me to give an introduction of myself is quite a task, I'll admit. There's so much I could say about myself (ie Im a beautiful, young student) but those are all just things that you can observe and analyze! I guess the biggest characteristic that I should explain is that I'm not friendly. I promise I'll do my best to work on it for class, but more than likely my posts are the most you'll hear from me. I've recently moved to Belleville from St Louis and plan to further my studies of Journalism at Florida A&M next Fall. I'm the youngest of five on my mother's side and the eldest of three on my dad's side. Dont really know what else to say, but if you have any questions just ask. I may not be the most sociable at times, but I know how to speak when spoken to and dont mind answering pretty much anything there is you would like to know.