Thursday, February 3, 2011

Act Like a Lady, Drink Like a Man??

Lately I’ve had a lot of people tell me “You’re too cute to be drinking beer” or “Eww, that is so unladylike; you’re too classy for that” but my question for you is what types of foods are drinks are strictly for males or females?? Sure some may find it unattractive to see a young lady like myself throwing back a couple cold ones, but does that really make me less of a woman? I hate seeing anyone smoke cigarettes but I wouldn’t look at them and think to myself “She cant be a woman or he cant be a man if he smokes cigarettes.” So what is it that you don’t like about women drinking beer? Is it because the bottle isn’t long enough or isn’t served in a glass? Honestly, I hate the effects of white liquor and I don’t care for the taste of dark liquor so beer (Bud Light) is my better choice. I don’t even understand the need for explanation. Before and after I finish my beer I am still the same beautiful, intelligent, classy,sophisticated lady that you once saw and there is no cold beverage that can change my least not that I know of anyway. What I choose to drink is my decision and it doesn’t define me in any way. I think anyone that can judge a lady by the alcohol she consumes is just as shallow as they come.


  1. I found your article to be very provocative. I love your way of thinking. Many people do view women drinkers differently from men. People don't mind if a woman is sloppy drunk off of whisky, brandy, etc., but beer seems to be tabboo. I'm not sure why but many people think beer was made solely for men. (Chauvanistic)your style and differences is what makes you stand out in a crowd. Bud Light is my favorite as well, so next time you have a cold one; have one for me too!

  2. I think people Judge so much or i should say it's more like stereo typing. people are going to say what they want. just know who you are and don't worry what others think. because Jesus is the only one who can truly Judge you.
