Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love, Lust...Lechery

As it gets closer and closer to the date people all over America are making plans and arrangements. Its the one day of the year where it seems like almost all single women yearn for affection and attention; Valentine's Day. I think its the most overrated "holiday" we have because it's so miscontrued. People tend to forget that this is a day to celebrate LOVE. Whether its with your wife, husband or family member that's what this day is all about. So many people get aroused by the flowers and candy that they forget the real meaning. Whatever you did today and whoever you did today I hope it was out of love and not caused by lust or lechery. Its not about what you have but who you have. The cards, chocolates and roses are nice (for some cuz I hate flowers) but remember its the person and the love yall share that is most important. And if your valentine wasn't someone you love then what are you celebrating?? Not here to judge but just a little food for thought. Valentine's Day isnt just about the amount of gifts you obtain, its about the love you've obtained and cherish


  1. This article was HOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT! This is what love is all about! What kind of world would we live in if everyone understood that. Great job!

  2. I couldn't agree more. Good insight.
