Thursday, February 24, 2011

Real Recognize Real

"The poet's job is to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in such a way that people cannot live without it; to put into words those feelings we all have that are so deep, so important, and yet so difficult to name."                                                                                           -Jane Kenyon pg 229

I chose this quote because I am a big fan of poetry. I love to read it as well as write it. It allows me to express my inner feelings. The thoughts that I have but choose not to speak on or situations in my life that have a major impact on me. I know it’s not good but I usually keep a lot of things to myself instead of speaking on them so poetry is like a stress relief in a way.  I've only allowed a few people to ever read my poems, but each time someone explains to me that just through my imagery and words they feel that they have too gone through that situation or emotion. In my opinion a good poem will paint an idealistic picture and grasp the reader's inner soul.

"That which is spoken from the heart, is heard from the heart" -Jewish saying pg 195

These both go hand in hand. When a poem is written from the heart, the reader can empathize and feel it in their heart. As some would say "real recognize real" so anyone who has a compassionate heart will always be able to relate to the poetry even if they haven't gone through that particular thing you are speaking on. Sometimes a poet may just be writing to express themselves not knowing how much of an impact it will have on others and that is what makes it so genuine and sincere.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is similar to mine. It speaks of telling the truth, something most people are afraid of. The truth keeps you moving forward though. You never have to retrace your steps when you tell the truth from the start. Good job!
