Thursday, February 24, 2011

S.O.S Call for Help!!

Sitting in this class lab, trying to get a million and one things done and there just isnt enough time in a day for me. I don't know where the laziness or procrastination has come from this semester but I just don't have the motivation to do anything. I can't believe I let myself get this far behind in my studies for classes and don't like that I've allowed myself to either. Last semester I made the Dean's List with a 3.7 and was sooo proud, but this semester things have just been hectic for me. I should have known it would eventually come down to this working two jobs, one of which is in St. Louis, and going to school full time but I figured I would do better this year. I've had this struggle in the past which is why I decided I would only work part time but the truth is..Im addicted to money! The more I work, the more I want to work because I know that in the end the more money I will have. I'm trying to break this bad study habit I have though but I'm just lacking the effort. I bought a desk to put in my room so I can have someone to study, but evenstill with the 2 weeks it's been there I've only sat it once. Ridiculous I know but hopefully  I will get it together this week before it's too late. I think I just need a study partner!

Real Recognize Real

"The poet's job is to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in such a way that people cannot live without it; to put into words those feelings we all have that are so deep, so important, and yet so difficult to name."                                                                                           -Jane Kenyon pg 229

I chose this quote because I am a big fan of poetry. I love to read it as well as write it. It allows me to express my inner feelings. The thoughts that I have but choose not to speak on or situations in my life that have a major impact on me. I know it’s not good but I usually keep a lot of things to myself instead of speaking on them so poetry is like a stress relief in a way.  I've only allowed a few people to ever read my poems, but each time someone explains to me that just through my imagery and words they feel that they have too gone through that situation or emotion. In my opinion a good poem will paint an idealistic picture and grasp the reader's inner soul.

"That which is spoken from the heart, is heard from the heart" -Jewish saying pg 195

These both go hand in hand. When a poem is written from the heart, the reader can empathize and feel it in their heart. As some would say "real recognize real" so anyone who has a compassionate heart will always be able to relate to the poetry even if they haven't gone through that particular thing you are speaking on. Sometimes a poet may just be writing to express themselves not knowing how much of an impact it will have on others and that is what makes it so genuine and sincere.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Key to My Heart

I just downloaded this blogger app for my phone and wanted to test it out so I thought now would be the perfect time... Today is my baby's birthday. Not my biological child and actually, she really isn't a baby but my youngest sister. I know some of you may find it odd that I would refer to my sister as my child but in so many ways, at times I feel like they are mine. I've literally had to nurture, protect, clothe and groom them practically their whole life. The circumstances with their mother is horrible so Ive had to step in a lot. Its been soooo many occassions where they've had to depend on me for clothes and shoes to wear, moral support and entertainment. When I was younger I got any and everything I wanted so I try to make sure they can as well. They are my pride and joy..its what I call them. The keys to my heart, my motivation to strive harder. My lifetime goal is to one day get full custody of them. I love my babies with all of my heart in the same manner I would suppose a biological parent cares for his or her child.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love, Lust...Lechery

As it gets closer and closer to the date people all over America are making plans and arrangements. Its the one day of the year where it seems like almost all single women yearn for affection and attention; Valentine's Day. I think its the most overrated "holiday" we have because it's so miscontrued. People tend to forget that this is a day to celebrate LOVE. Whether its with your wife, husband or family member that's what this day is all about. So many people get aroused by the flowers and candy that they forget the real meaning. Whatever you did today and whoever you did today I hope it was out of love and not caused by lust or lechery. Its not about what you have but who you have. The cards, chocolates and roses are nice (for some cuz I hate flowers) but remember its the person and the love yall share that is most important. And if your valentine wasn't someone you love then what are you celebrating?? Not here to judge but just a little food for thought. Valentine's Day isnt just about the amount of gifts you obtain, its about the love you've obtained and cherish

Monday, February 14, 2011

I Am From..

I am from Gloria and Brian
from a small city with a big family
I am from hur (here), thur (there) and derrty
from Vess soda, Imos, Chinese food and Red Hot Riplets
I am from the mono, heel toe, pancake and 3.0
from "put that on something", "on my mama", "on bloods"
I am from sarcasm, sincerity, genuineness and laughter
from Hazelwood Day, Eight Deuce day and block parties
from Raymond, Old Jamestown Rd, Darla Ct, St. Louis Ave
I am from dont curse on Sunday and dont let the Bible touch the ground
from the decade of Monte Carlos, Impalas. G6's and Grand Prix
I am from Blues hockey, Cardinals baseball and Ram's football
from 3 brothers, 3 sisters and several god brothers and sisters
from the mentality to "fake it til you make it", "rise and grind" and knowing that I am my brother's keeper
I am from the Arch, Busch Stadium and the Convention Center
from a small world where everyone knows everyone
I am from St Louis

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Act Like a Lady, Drink Like a Man??

Lately I’ve had a lot of people tell me “You’re too cute to be drinking beer” or “Eww, that is so unladylike; you’re too classy for that” but my question for you is what types of foods are drinks are strictly for males or females?? Sure some may find it unattractive to see a young lady like myself throwing back a couple cold ones, but does that really make me less of a woman? I hate seeing anyone smoke cigarettes but I wouldn’t look at them and think to myself “She cant be a woman or he cant be a man if he smokes cigarettes.” So what is it that you don’t like about women drinking beer? Is it because the bottle isn’t long enough or isn’t served in a glass? Honestly, I hate the effects of white liquor and I don’t care for the taste of dark liquor so beer (Bud Light) is my better choice. I don’t even understand the need for explanation. Before and after I finish my beer I am still the same beautiful, intelligent, classy,sophisticated lady that you once saw and there is no cold beverage that can change my least not that I know of anyway. What I choose to drink is my decision and it doesn’t define me in any way. I think anyone that can judge a lady by the alcohol she consumes is just as shallow as they come.